We are excited to be participating once again in the Cali School Clarinet Day on January 29, 2023. As usual, a very rich program with Professors Baron, DiBari, and Sapadin, and this year they are welcoming Pascual Martinez Forteza of the NY Philharmonic as their guest lecturer and performer.
We will be exhibiting a curated selection of clarinets, accessories and supplies including the Buffet Crampon Légende, Tosca, R13, Prestige and 2nd generation Tradition clarinets, an array of cases, and some new-old-stock specials that you don’t want to miss. And yes, there will be bass clarinets!
There will also be a drawing during the event for merch from the featured businesses. We are doing something a little different — Our contribution will be three professional clarinet mouthpieces to be donated to the music education program of the winner’s choice in that person’s honor in the hopes we can continue to improve access to quality music experiences for aspiring young artists that do not otherwise have access to the basic tools of our trade.
Montclair State is very easy to get to from everywhere in the greater NY/Philly metro area, so we hope to see our East Coast friends there. If you haven’t already registered, follow this link to sign up.